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The Bitcoin Way

Master Bitcoin Self-Custody and Cybersecurity

With over 25 years of cybersecurity expertise, our team will help you become a sovereign individual. We'll teach you to secure your Bitcoin, protect your devices, and find a place where you're truly valued. Get onboarded with confidence.


Our 3 steps to freedom

We are an elite team of cybersecurity and Bitcoin experts dedicated to empowering your pursuit of financial freedom.

Secure Your Bitcoin in Self-Custody

Gain hands-on training to own, secure, and use your Bitcoin privately.

Protect YOUR devices WITH CASPER

Shield against online threats with robust cybersecurity defenses.

Diversify Citizenship & Secure Your Future

Relocate to where you're respected and valued the most.

Step 1

Secure your Bitcoin in self custody

Your Bitcoin should be your Bitcoin. The Bitcoin Way helps you understand and use Bitcoin privately, teaching you how to keep it secure and truly own it.

Wallets & Nodes

Securely establish your digital assets.

Bitcoin purchase
buying Bitcoin

Secure options for buying Bitcoin.

Bitcoin privacy
privacy measures

Protect Bitcoin transaction privacy.


Advanced Bitcoin security.


Shield against online threats.


Plan Bitcoin asset transfer thoughtfully.

Step 2

Protect your devices with Casper - a Privacy Guardian

In a world of increasing mass surveillance, censorship, and government overreach, safeguarding your online presence and sensitive information with robust cybersecurity and encryption is essential.

Globe with lock
Unified Approach to Privacy

Stay safe online regardless of your WiFi connection.

Key with exclamation point
blazing fast Zero CONFIG VPNs

Instantly create secure connections with just one click.

modern FIREWALLs AND secure DNS

AI-driven real-time threat detection and protection.

Step 3

Diversify your citizenship with Plan B

The world is changing rapidly. The Bitcoin Way understands your desire for a stable future with the freedom to explore new horizons. Relocate to where you're valued and respected most.

Tailored Solutions

Get help finding the right citizenship program for you.

Focus on Freedom

Find a jurisdiction that will allow you to meet your goals.

Expert Guidance

We handle the complexities of the process for you.

We make Bitcoin security easy for all

From beginners to experts

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I use the service

"... and find it to be fantastic!"

Worth it for the peace of mind

"Thanks to the Bitcoin Way for providing me with the best possible air gapped solution. I can sleep easy knowing my Bitcoin is perfectly secure now :)"

Unbelievable service from an exceptional team

"After deciding I wanted to self-custody, but having no idea where to start, I’m so grateful to have found The Bitcoin Way. Every call has been a combination of setting up each part of the system, answering my general questions, and reassuring me that the system I’m implementing is air-tight. All the team members an exceptional. Tony’s sage advice of “this is not a race” is one example of something I needed to hear. And their communication between calls has been exceptional. The Bitcoin Way is allowing a middle-aged man to set up his family for financial security in the coming decades. Without them this wouldn’t be possible. What a gift..."

Absolutely Superb and thorough team

"After 4 years and thousands of hours worth of study in Bitcoin, I was under the belief my cold storage setup was 100% secure. It took Tony a few minutes to find several flaws in what I had implemented... We went through my setup in a systematic way and it is now completely sound and secure. The whole team are amazing ... Incredibly grateful for the time Tony has taken to make sure that my sats will never be lost or hacked. Completely self sovereign ... No better team in Bitcoin to secure your generational wealth..."

Saves a lot of time to get the peace of mind you want

"I postponed this longer than I should have because I thought I would be able to figure out by myself ... but it would have taken me many hours. Hours I don't have. These guys saved me a lot of time and provided a shortcut to do the best setup and learn how to do it as well. Highly recommended!"

5 stars for the btc way!

"I highly recommend the services offered by the Bitcoin way to anyone looking for a secure self custody setup. I have had a great experience working with the entire team and I fully intend to continue working with them to ensure my setup remains state of the art. I am glad to have found this company!"

Want to learn more about our services?

Take control of your Bitcoin assets with confidence. Our e-books offer in-depth guidance on our services, designed to help you achieve self-sovereignty and secure your generational wealth.

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The Bitcoin Way PDF's

Stay informed and empowered with our resources

We are deeply involved in the Bitcoin community, and we're passionate about sharing our knowledge to empower you



Tune into insightful conversations with industry leaders, experts, and enthusiasts. Discover the latest trends, security best practices, and self-custody strategies—all in a fun and informative format!



Explore our blog, filled with articles on Bitcoin security and best practices. It's your ultimate resource for mastering Bitcoin with confidence.



Stay updated on our team's participation in Bitcoin events and other exciting news.

Anyone can protect their Bitcoin, regardless of age.

Schedule your free consultation